Inclusive Management 201

Learn how to become an inclusive leader in your organization.

Build effective leadership skills for the challenges of today

Teams with inclusive leaders are more likely to be more productive and effective. Not only are leaders key in demonstrating and modeling inclusive behavior, but they are a strong predictor of successful inclusion initiatives. This training is perfect for helping managers and leaders build inclusive skills.

We’ve taken a people first approach to the best practices of inclusive leadership. You’ll review case studies, and test your assumptions with self-reflective activities. We address the importance of understanding and addressing microaggressions in the workplace, as well as how to reinforce and model inclusive behaviors.

  • Identify strategies to address bias, microaggressions, and more in the workplace
  • Review case studies and best practices for inclusive management
  • Identify inclusive communication best-practices
  • Practice reflective exercises to develop your inclusive leadership style

Creating a cohesive and inclusive team isn’t easy, but it is doable and paramount to the success of your organization. So, be prepared to leave this training with the confidence to respond to challenging interpersonal situations effectively and empathetically.

Your Instructor

Manifest Equity
Manifest Equity

Manifest Equity helps clients weave kindness into organizational culture. We offer assessments, online courses, research, thought leadership, and success coaching in service of the seamless integration of inclusive ideals into the workplace and the world.

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